Why Ignoring Racial Justice Hurts Our Faith: Catholic Insights

Join us for a powerful discussion on why ignoring racial justice hurts our faith with special guest Matt Kappadakunnel, author of “The Catholic Church and the Struggle for Racial Justice: A Prophetic Call.” In this engaging interview, Matt shares his personal journey as a Catholic of Indian descent, reflecting on his experiences with racism and the lack of response from church leaders following the tragic death of George Floyd. We delve into the theological implications of racism, the concept of Imago Dei, and how Catholics are called to respond to racial injustices in the U.S.

I highly recommend checking out this insightful conversation as we discuss the need for a prophetic call within the Catholic Church, the challenges of addressing racial justice, and the importance of aligning ourselves with God’s call for equality. Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking episode! Join us, and let’s reflect, learn, and grow together in our faith.

Matt’s book is published by Paulist Press. Check it out here.

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