Hearing God’s Voice And Following His Will

It seems that everyday I get at least one email from someone I have never met asking a simple, and yet complex question.  How do I know what God’s will for me is?  Another question that goes along with it is very common in these messages.  When I pray how do I know It Is God’s voice that I’m hearing?

To answer this question I sat down to talk to someone who has a lot of experience in this.  In fact, she has a great story about how she heard God’s voice and decided to follow his will.  She left her executive career to go into full time ministry.

God's voice

Hearing God’s Voice With Kendra Von Esh

Catholic author, speaker, and faith coach Kendra Von Esh joins me to discuss something crucial to all of us. Hearing God’s voice and understanding his will for our lives. We both candidly discuss our personal stories of how we heard his voice for our lives, and ways you can do the same.

Visit her website for more information and to bring Kendra to your event. The website is www.kendravonesh.com.

Hearing God’s Voice And Living In The Spirit

Below is a recent interview with Kendra about living in the Spirit.

About Kendra

Kendra Von Esh is a Catholic Speaker, Author, and Faith Leader from Chicago, Illinois.

Kendra was Confirmed Catholic but never practiced because she didn’t truly understand or believe in the faith. As she made her way to the C-Suite in Corporate America, she indulged in all this life had to offer for decades. She was too busy for God and truthfully, she didn’t need Him and certainly wasn’t looking for Him.

Through prayer for a loved one, God inched His way back into Kendra’s life and completely transformed her in so many ways.

Five years after returning to Catholicism, Kendra left her Corporate Executive career to follow her passion and share her new ministry. She inspires business leaders, parishes, and universities with her dynamic speaking, engaging workshops and in-person events on how participants can enrich their lives through faith and prayer.

When she isn’t speaking with God (or inspiring others to do the same) or filming video blogs and online courses, Kendra enjoys spending time on the lake, golfing with her husband Jeff, and grilling keto-friendly meals with their two boys.

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