Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

Dr Jeanette Pinto – The Feast of the Pentecost happened fifty days after Easter or the Resurrection when the other followers of Jesus Christ were celebrating the Feast of Weeks in Jerusalem. It happened like this. Firstly, the Apostles were all in one accord in one place. Secondly, there came a sound from heaven as... Continue Reading →

Natural Knowledge Has Limits

Truth is all around us.  It is something concrete and is not able to be changed.  For one to come to truth one must have a knowledge of that truth.  In this case there is natural and supernatural knowledge.  Natural Knowledge Has Limitations Man is a creature of reason, and it is through this reason... Continue Reading →

Procession of Trinitarian Persons

The Trinity is a complex subject, and at times is very misunderstood. Some try to rationalize and fall into error by declaring a type Tritheism, or even Modalism. However, the persons of the Trinity are three persons of one essence. The Trinitarian Godhead is made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and all... Continue Reading →

Mission of Divine Persons

When discussing the Trinity, we can see that the three persons are of the same essence and One God.  In the Nicean creed we profess that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son.  This mission of divine persons can be seen directly in their processions.  Through this mission of procession, we can... Continue Reading →

Filioque: Why The Disagreement?

The Orthodox and Catholic churches are the oldest in Christendom.  They have many things in common, and there are some things that are disagreed on.  The churches both have valid Apostolic Succession and valid sacraments.  In fact, both observe the seven sacraments instituted by Christ, and carried on by the Apostles.  A couple items that... Continue Reading →

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