New Book Highlights An Inspirational Story

Margaret Moore's life began with a miraculous recovery after a difficult birth, leading to a permanent disability and reliance on others. Despite family challenges, she pursued education and activities, sharing her touching, often humorous childhood experiences. Now a graduate and accomplished writer, her story inspires readers to overcome obstacles and achieve their ambitions.

A Theology of Liberation: A Book Review

Liberation theology was a new kind of theology that started developing within Christianity in the 1960’s[1].  Gustavo Gutierrez, who is known as the father of liberation theology, was a priest in Peru.  Over the course of his ministry he saw the oppression that the poor experienced and developed a heart for them.  In the introduction... Continue Reading →

Being Light And Leaven In The World

I recently had the honor of sitting down with Bishop Joseph Strickland to discuss his book "Light and Leaven". We have a conversation about his book, but more importantly we discuss how the laity can help renew the church. In our conversation we discuss the importance of the eucharist, how catechists can convey this vital... Continue Reading →

Hearts Burning Within Us: A Review

If you are familiar with my writing then you know how much I enjoy a good book. I have collected quite the library that ranging from scholarly theological works to daily devotionals. However Hearts Burning Within Us is unique as there is nothing like it that I have read. It is an important book for... Continue Reading →

Doing Works Of Mercy Will Change You

I recently had the opportunity to interview author Lara Patangan. She is the author of the book titled "Simple Mercies: How The Works Of Mercy Bring Peace And Fulfillment". She endeavored to do all 14 of the works of mercy and describes how they change your life and strengthen your faith. We Are Called To... Continue Reading →

Two Gift Ideas For RCIA

Though it is June, RCIA classes will soon begin around the country (some have actually started already).  For those who stick with it, they will be received into full communion with the Catholic Church be received into the Catholic church.  It is a momentous occasion and should be celebrated.  We often do so by having... Continue Reading →

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