Book Review: Christ-Centered Apologetics

Apologetics is a word in theology that is often misunderstood.  Despite its name, it does mean that we are apologizing for anything.  Quite the contrary, it comes from the Greek word Apologia which means “to make a defense”.  In his book Christ-Centered Apologetics, author Joel Furches does a great job in explaining and defending key aspects of the Christian faith.

Many apologetics are unnecessarily technical, but Mr. Furches describes Apologetics concepts in an easy to understand manner.  In short, this book is written for the average Christian in the pew with the goal of helping them defend the and strengthen their faith.  The section that I found most helpful was on the historicity and reliability of the Gospels.  Mr, Furches pulled historical accounts from the church fathers, as well as non-Christian sources as proofs of Christ’s existence.  In fact, seven chapters deal with Christ and the reliability of the text.  Those chapters are worth the price of admission to this book.  This is a book I would recommend for those that are new to the subject matter.

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