Seeing Beyond: The Call to Love

What do you see when you look behind the jail bars? What do you think when you pass by the drug user strung out on the sidewalk? What about the man who commits suicide leaving behind his kids and mother? Do we think about how repulsive the criminal is? Or how the drug user has... Continue Reading →

The Hebrew Tow`ebah And Proverbs 11:1

There are many occasions in which a word in Hebrew has many different meanings in English.  In this regard it is important to understand the context used to help determine its meaning.  For this exercise Proverbs 11:1 was used.  That passage of scripture states “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, But a... Continue Reading →

Liberation And Grace

In the New Testament there are many passages that speak of grace as liberation.  Sin is a plague that has overtaken the world, and it enslaves us (Stevens 9).  We are born in original sin, and though that is washed away through the sacrament of Baptism, concupiscence remains.  Concupiscence is the tendency to still drift toward sin.... Continue Reading →

God Is Mercy Conference: Join Me

Dear friends, I’m sharing a short talk at the online conference, ‘God is Mercy!' I’m joining SmartCatholics to bring a variety of speakers together to grow in our understanding of God's Mercy. The event lasts 2 days, from November 28-29. God Is Mercy On And the best part is, it’s more than an online... Continue Reading →

Relationships And The Four Last Things

When studying grace, we see that it is not only a free gift from God, but that it has a strong relationship with other aspects of soteriology.  What is the relationship between freedom, grace, divine foreknowledge, predestination, and perseverance as they pertain to the Four Last Things?  The relationship between all aspects are intertwined, but... Continue Reading →

The Need For Grace

In the beginning of St. Paul’s letter to the Romans he lays out a case about the desire for people to know God.  He says that by nature they can know things about God and God has shown them.  The verse in question is from Romans 1:19 which states, “For what can be known about... Continue Reading →

A Matter of Intent: Abortion and Moral Theology

It happens every day in our communities.  Every day women make a very difficult decision about whether to keep their babies or not.  However, instead of adoption many are choosing abortion.  According to data from the Centers of Disease Control, every day approximately 1,788 pregnancies are ended by abortion (  What is abortion?  What is... Continue Reading →

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