Blessed Assurance!

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”-Romans 5:1

What are you going through?  What are you stressing over?  Do you think that you have to do some kind of work to please God?  My friend, there is nothing we can do of our own power to please God.  In the Old Testament we read of the standards that God has for his people, and we also read about how those standards were broken time and again.  How can we get to Heaven if we do not live up to the standard of God?

The answer is that God sent a rescue team in the form of Christ to assure us of our place.  Christ took that heavy burden we all have, and has placed it on his own shoulders.  Through His death, burial, and resurrection our debt has been paid.  It is faith and belief in Jesus Christ, and his finished work that pleases God and justifies us in his sight.  You also can have this assurance of a place in Heaven.  It has been paid for and is free to anyone who asks.  Ask for it today!

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