A Biblical Defense of Original Sin

Some people feel uncomfortable with the doctrine of Original Sin. The idea that a human being can be in any way accountable for the sin of Adam, I understand, can be difficult to comprehend. But let us see what the Bible says. But let us first understand what Original Sin is. For that, let us... Continue Reading →

Understanding The Nicene Creed

On December 27, I was a guest of Gary Michuta on his Hands on Apologetics Radio program that airs on Virgin Most Powerful Radio. On this episode we discussed the Nicene creed, but we did not get through the whole thing so part two is coming soon. I hope you enjoy and take away something... Continue Reading →

Are You Born Again?

Today Steve Ray joins me to talk about what it means to be born again. We discuss what we meant by it when we were both evangelicals, but he digs deep into scripture. Born Again The Bible Way Starting with the Old Testament Steve works forward to get the proper context of John Chapter 3... Continue Reading →

The New Testament Is Reliable

When it comes to a discussion about sacred scripture the word “accuracy” will definitely come up.  Whether it is in regards to passages in the Old Testament or the New, but what is the basis for such questions?  Is it an honest attempt to discern the truth or is one’s mind already made up? This... Continue Reading →

Papacy And The Primacy Of Peter

This week bestselling author, international speaker, and Catholic Apologist Steve Ray joins me to discuss the Papacy. We discuss the biblical and early church evidence for the papacy, the primacy of Peter, and some common Protestant objections. Interview About the Papacy with Steve Ray It was a very enlightening interview. Check out Steve's books about... Continue Reading →

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