Pat Flynn Debunks Naturalism: Insights from ‘The Best Argument for God’

Join us as Pat Flynn, esteemed philosopher, writer, and podcaster, delves into his transformative journey from philosophical naturalism to classical theism in our enlightening discussion on 'The Best Argument for God.' Exploring themes from his latest book, Pat shares personal anecdotes and rigorous philosophic insights that challenge naturalism and compellingly argue for the existence of... Continue Reading →

Understanding Jeremiah 1:4-19

The book of Jeremiah can be perplexing, and as a result there is some bad exegesis present regarding it.  A better understanding of these literary and rhetorical devices helps to remedy that.

Deuteronomy Is Misunderstood

However, the message contained in Deuteronomy is one that is applicable to us all.  Deuteronomy has the unfortunate distinction of being called “second law” based on its naming in the Septuagint.  As an exhortation it can be synchronized with what we read in the New Testament.

A Deceptive Faith: The Misguided Belief of Prosperity

While there is nothing wrong with sowing seeds of faith or giving generously, the prosperity gospel often reduces these spiritual principles to a transactional formula, disregarding the sovereignty and wisdom of God. This can lead to disillusionment and a crisis of faith when the desired outcomes are not realized, causing believers to question their worthiness or God's faithfulness.

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