Hevel, Vanity, and The Perplexing Nature of Ecclesiastes

I have said it here, and in other mediums, that the Qohelet is a book that many have struggled with through the history of the church.  There are times that it seems contradictory and perplexing if one is not in tune to the overall message of the book.  The key to Qohelet is hevel, or hebel... Continue Reading →

The Hebrew Tow`ebah And Proverbs 11:1

There are many occasions in which a word in Hebrew has many different meanings in English.  In this regard it is important to understand the context used to help determine its meaning.  For this exercise Proverbs 11:1 was used.  That passage of scripture states “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, But a... Continue Reading →

Beelzebul Or Jesus? The Choice Is Yours

Now he was casting out a demon that was mute; when the demon had gone out, the one who had been mute spoke, and the crowds were amazed. 15 But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.” 16 Others, to test him, kept demanding from him a sign from heaven. 17 But he... Continue Reading →

The New Testament Is Reliable

When it comes to a discussion about sacred scripture the word “accuracy” will definitely come up.  Whether it is in regards to passages in the Old Testament or the New Testament, but what is the basis for such questions?  Is it an honest attempt to discern the truth or is one’s mind already made up?... Continue Reading →

Hebrew Poetry: Can Jesus Be Seen Here? Part 2

You can read part one of the series on Hebrew poetry here. Jesus In Hebrew Poetry: Proverbs The Proverbs a favorite book of those who are seeking practicality.  In other words, they are striving to incorporate Biblical lessons into their daily lives.  In proverbial literature there is no place for storytelling.  Every line is a... Continue Reading →

Watchtower: A Look At Jehovah’s Witnesses

A few months ago I was fortunate enough to interview popular apologist Gary Michuta.  Gary is a brilliant Catholic apologist, speaker, radio show host, and author.  He has a great deal of  experience in studying and debating the teachings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.  We know them as Jehovah’s witnesses. A couple months ago... Continue Reading →

Deuterocanon: Defending It Is Essential

Earlier this week I was honored to speak with Catholic speaker and apologist Gary Michuta about the Deuterocanon. He is the host of Hands on Apologetics which airs daily at 1:00pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio. Discussing The Deuterocanon He is also the author of several books including "Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger" and... Continue Reading →

New Testament: Why Only 27 Books?

There are many things that may come to an individual’s mind when it comes to sacred scripture.  Some may ask why there are so many translations.  Some may wonder if the Bible as we know it fell from the sky at Pentecost.  However many have questions on why we have the New Testament books we... Continue Reading →

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