5 things to know about abortion drugs sent by mail

“[T]hose who are considering mailing abortion drugs should not have confidence that OLC gets it right, and they would be fools to rely on it,” he wrote at one point. “OLC’s advice to the postal service is only that — advice to the postal service.” Whelan, who once served at OLC, explained in another article for National... Continue Reading →

Veritatis Splendor And Double Effect

Over the course of our lives we will be faced with many difficult decisions.  These decisions may be life altering and may change us forever. In the encyclical Veritatis Splendor, Saint Pope John Paul II writes, “Acting is morally good when the choices of freedom are in conformity with man’s true good and thus express the voluntary ordering... Continue Reading →

Infanticide Is Here

My eyes have seen it, and I still can't believe it.  I read multiple news reports and thought I was trapped in some sort of alternate universe.  However, it did happen, and no, I was not in an alternate universe.  On February 25, 2018 the United States Senate voted down a bill that would protect... Continue Reading →

Reason and the Development of the Will

In the very beginnings of sacred scripture we read of the Lord creating.  Each step of creation ended a similar way with the words by describing their goodness.  In Genesis 1:31 God had just finished creating man and commanded them to procreate and exercise dominion over the Earth.  Genesis 1:31 states, “God saw everything that... Continue Reading →

A Matter of Intent: Abortion and Moral Theology

It happens every day in our communities.  Every day women make a very difficult decision about whether to keep their babies or not.  However, instead of adoption many are choosing abortion.  According to data from the Centers of Disease Control, every day approximately 1,788 pregnancies are ended by abortion (www.cdc.gov).  What is abortion?  What is... Continue Reading →

The Dangers of Porn

There is a great enemy among us that many welcome with open arms.  It is seductive, welcoming, and before you know it the claws of this demon extend into every area of your life.  Many think its harmless, but the statistics say otherwise.  Pornography is a medium of media consumption that destroys marriages, families, and... Continue Reading →

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