Theology of Missions

When someone hears the term missions most of the times overseas adventures to an unknown people may develop in their minds.  Though this is part of it, there is much more to missions.  Missions is a way of life and the engaged believer seeks to take the Gospel across cultural barriers[1].  According to the Holman... Continue Reading →

A.D. 100-500: A History of Biblical Translation

INTRODUCTION   Throughout the history of the Christian Church Bible translation has played a critical role in the transmition of the Gospel message.  Whether it be the Jews in the intertestamental period to today, the scriptures, when translated to the vernacular, have been an invaluable tool with eternal significance. Jesus gives a command to his... Continue Reading →

Missions and the Early Church

Throughout the history of the church missions have played a vital role.  The Lord himself thought it was crucial and told the disciples to spread his message throughout the world.  They were told to teach, baptize, and to make other disciples.  Today we call this command the Great Commission.  The disciples came from a variety... Continue Reading →

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