Beyond the Norm: Alternative After-School Activities For Kids

As parents, we’re always on the lookout for the best after-school activities for our kids. From sports and music lessons to dance classes and theater rehearsals, we want our children to have a well-rounded education and a range of experiences.

Parents…Teach Your Children

I have been called many things in my life: a good soldier, a solid worker, a model employee, and even a good husband. Those things are great and admirable, but they fail in comparison to my favorite title: dad. The Lord has blessed my wife and me with four awesome children, but with raising children... Continue Reading →

Book Review: God Made the World

Children are an incredible blessing that must be cherished and nourished.  Proverbs 22:6 tells us, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  One way that a parent can instill Christian values with their children is by teaching them while they are young. ... Continue Reading →

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