Book Review: Paul and His Team

No matter what capacity you have in life you have heard of leadership.  Leadership is something that influences every aspect of our life.  Whether it be work, home, church, or a volunteer activity leadership is something we are involved in.  Leadership involves providing a clear vision, the ability to share the vision, and giving the tools needed for one to succeed.

When we think of Biblical figures there are many leaders, but the Apostle Paul emerges as a leader par excellance.  When he established churches he gave the tools needed, he followed up, provided guidance, and dealt with some very difficult situations (the situation in Corinth comes to mind).  In his new book Paul and His Team:  What the Early Church Can Teach Us About Leadership and Influence, author Ryan Lokkesome evaluates the leadership of the Apostle Paul and helps us apply it to out lives today.

This is not a scholarly textbook, but is written for the average person in the pew.  The author breaks down the lessons that Paul provided then in easy to understand terms.  Not only that, but he provides real world guidance on how to apply the skills that Paul taught.  In describing Paul’s leadership ability the author writes, “We will see qualities like humility, self-sacrifice, and radical grace at work.  This stands in stark contrast to much of the leadership culture today, which often has a strident, boastful tone to it-even in Christian circles” (page 19).

Overall this book is a good one on leadership and gives some decent insights.  I rate it a 4/5.

[Note.  This book was provides free of charge from Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review.]

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