The True Vine

“I am the vine, you are the branches.  Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is who bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”- John 15:5

At a previous home my wife and I had a grapevine in our backyard.  Every spring it would sprout up and produce grapes seemingly out of nowhere.  Those small delicious grapes were nourished by the vine they grew on.  Without that vine providing nourishment they did not stand a chance.

In today’s verse Jesus uses such imagery to get a very valuable point across.  As Christians it is impossible to produce fruit apart from Jesus who is the true vine.  Apart from him we can do nothing.  1 Peter 2:5 calls us all the “Priesthood of Believers.”  We have all have a part in the ministry and the church, but if we try to do things how we want to do it the fruit may wither and die.  We must be dependent on the vine for everything.  What are you dependent on today?  If it isn’t Christ then it will not last. Spend some time today assessing I you are attached o the vine in the way you should.  If not then ask for his grace and mercy and get reattached.

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