Husbands! Love your wives.

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”-Ephesians 5:25

Every time I read this verse it hits me like a punch to the stomach.  I am forced if to ask myself if I am loving my wife with the sacrificial love that Christ loves the church with.  If we are honest with ourselves it is probably not 100% of the time.  Today’s verse forces us husbands to take an honest look at ourselves.

First lets look at what this verse does not say.  It does not say to love your wife as long as you feel like it, or until someone new comes along. We are to love as Christ loves the church.  In this we are given a huge responsibility.  Are we living up to it?  Are we being the husbands we are called to be?  Are we loving our wives with the humility and love that Christ loves the church?  I know it seems like I’m picking on the guys today.  However that is not the case.  Today’s verse doesn’t get the attention it probably should get.  Husbands, love your wife in this way and the love of Christ will show to those around you.  Not only will your marriage get better, but you will be a witness to God’s love and mercy.

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