God is able.

“And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you the inheritance of al those who are sanctified.”- Acts 20:32

He is able to build us up, but will we let Him?  This requires an uninhibited surrender to the will of God.  It is in our nature to long for control, power, and the need to feel important.  The trust needed to fulfill the promise in this verse is the antithesis of our deepest wants and desires.  But that is all they truly are; just wants and desires.

The Lord Jesus Christ has something bigger in store for us, but it takes full surrender to Him and His will.  Will the wretched man that I am allow this?  Or will we be content with wandering through this life?  May it not be so!  Resolve today to trust Jesus, and trust in his will for you.  Resolve to say “He I am Lord!  Do with me as you will!”

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